Sunday, July 28, 2013

Last Week and on to Vacation...yay?

I am officially on vacation for the next six weeks. Due to my complete lack of plans, this does not excite me as it should. *sigh*

On the brighter side of things, there has been happenings.


I worked. No, seriously, I did. At my favourite school to boot doing Nursery. I basically got paid to babysit. It was awesome, made even more so because I totally didn't expect to have any work at all this week, what with it being the last before summer vacation and all. Plus, it was great being able to see all the kiddies one last time. *sniffle* I really do love the little rascals.

Kate Middleton finally had her baby. The new prince (and potential future king) is named George Alexander Louis. Isn't he a cutie?

Of course, given the average lifespan of a British Royal these days, it's going to be a good long while before he ever sits on the throne.


Christa and I made the trek over to local library and got our memberships sorted. Their selection wasn't the greatest, but there are several other locations so we have other options.

I spoke with both Moynul and Nicole today. Nicole's working out an MIA pay issue and Moynul was letting me know I'd be going back to my favourite come September at least three days a week. Colour me happy, LOL.


Remember those "other options" I mentioned concerning the library? Christa and I went ahead and checked one of those options out. It had a much better selection, better organization, and a better building to boot. If it weren't such a pain to get to (both Tube and bus were involved), it'd be promoted to Go-To Library, no contest.

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